It's time to introduce ourselves

It's time to introduce ourselves

It’s nice to finally be able to introduce you all to Cask & Bottle Co, where our mission is to open up the exclusive world of single cask whisky and make it a truly inclusive place for all.

We’re lucky to have team members with well over a decade of experience in all things whisky, from sourcing award winning whiskys and rare casks to building up valuable relationships with Scotland's most prestigious and hard to access distilleries. 

We started Cask and Bottle co to really challenge the stereotypes and banish all those cliches which often create barriers for people to dive into the wonderful world of whisky, something we too have experienced in the past.

In breaking down these barriers we want to create an inclusive community that unites seasoned connoisseurs and newcomers alike in their quest for high quality whisky that truly has a story to tell.

We want to share as much knowledge as possible with our community and make this a place where people can truly learn about whisky.

Our vision is all about building a thriving, evolving community where everyone is welcome. We want to create a space that's fun, engaging, and most importantly inclusive.

As we grow and so does our community, we'll be rolling out more and more perks for our members including whisky tastings, live events, weekend getaways, exclusive bottle offerings and more, trust us you're going to love being part of this journey.

With every one of a kind cask we bottle boasting it's own unique flavour profile and limited in bottle numbers, you'll truly be able to taste something new and exciting with every release.

Our single cask whisky philosophy means that our community gets access to unique and extraordinary flavours that can't be found anywhere else, and our dedication to quality isn’t something that will ever be compromised. 

This is an opportunity to own not only a bottle of whisky but a piece of whisky cask history.

We believe that something as exceptional as single cask whisky shouldn't remain a secret or be accessible only to a select few.

So, raise a glass to finally getting your hands on those bottles of rare single cask whiskys you never knew you needed, but soon won't be able to live without.

The Cask & Bottle Co team.

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1 comment

Would love to be involved with your work, sounds like a great idea.



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